10 May 2009


Yes, that's a pantiliner in Bompkins's mouth. He loves them.

Anyway, the other day, I went out and picked wild garlic and stinging nettle tips. I got about a carrier bag of each of them. I've made wild garlic and walnut pesto, nettle soup, nettle and wild garlic soup, pasta with wild garlic and mushrooms, and wild garlic pancakes.

Stinging nettle tastes like spinach, although a little more metallic (possibly due to it's high mineral content?). Wild garlic greens taste like green onion crossed with chives crossed with garlic crossed with onion. So, oniony, in a green way. The bulbs, which are so small, I didn't bother to pick many, taste like green onions crossed with garlic. Or maybe chivey.

All the food tastes pretty fantastic, except for the nettle soup, which was rather plain. I had a couple of the pancakes with margarine, but most of them were eaten in soup. I just learned about pancake soup. It's a German-thing and it is a very tasty German thing.

I am all out of nettles, but I froze a whole medium-sized ziplock bag crammed full of wild garlic and I still have about a handful of fresh ones leftover for something tomorrow. Fried with rice, perhaps?

I am going to eat more nettle-wild garlic soup now. OM NOM NOM.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I wish I could get some stinging nettle. The closest I can get is from the health store. Unless I ever go to Ohio again. But I can find rhubarb in back alleys in old neighborhoods. (My daughter turned 8 yesterday).
    The kinswoman again. Casey
